Mayim is shaping the body: I gave up on you.

I didn’t even need it when I first put on the “body shaping device”. Considering that I have a toddler and a slightly older child, I have never been sitting on the red carpet since I was a child, but my body actually looks good. bare? Not so much. But in clothing? well.

Around 2010, body shaping technology became the “mainstream” of our actor type. The stylist wants me to dress in this dress very close, so some people suggested that I try this “magic” thing “any bump” may appear in sticky fabrics.

My solution is not to wear this close-fitting tight fabric, but I am addicted to the stylist who recommends it. A body sculpting device is like a belt, but it is made of a very thin, very smooth material, so it barely shows when worn under a tight dress. You get involved, they screw it up; it’s usually under your bra line. There are a variety of body shaping devices: one for the belly area and one for the “back fat” to prevent the meat roll from spilling over the top of the bra (come, you know what I am talking about!), even the male body Shapers can also adjust their belly area under tighter clothes.

Body shapers should be nervous and restrictive. This is how they use their magic. I don’t like it very much, but it’s related to these underwear. If you need to pee, plan to pee on your hands, and the fabric of the crotch may “open”, let the urine flow out, but mainly grab the stream while flowing out, and try to trickle to the lovely exquisite Hands. Much like a lady.

At first, I felt that I was wearing a body sculpting device at the same time. It makes me look like a model we should claim that we don’t want to look. I don’t have any bumps, my hips show their evolutionarily preferred curves, and any cellulite (yes, of course I have a lot) is smoothed out, and my waist is defined by extrusion. It can really make beautiful lines. The stylist I have worked with must consider the body shaper; the standard has been set to be smooth, perfect for all of us, and lacks many of the curves I have. Did not look back.

Then I heard that a designer named Carrie Hammer used real women as models, including some women with physical disabilities. She studies advertising and women studies at the university and is a smart and fierce woman. I have seen her with a brain that might have designed a dress for me and chose her. She does not believe in wearing women in body sculpting. what! ? She believes that the power of women stems from the belief that they are beautiful. What would the world look like if women didn’t try to look like a model that represents only a small part of a normal adult woman’s body? ! What if the concept of a woman’s curved abdomen after childbirth is not considered a hidden thing? What if we find a clothing that suits us, not what we want? I think this is great.

What if the concept of a woman’s curved abdomen after childbirth is not considered a hidden thing?

Three years ago, I was no longer wearing a body sculpting device. Although I have made some exceptions and feel good about these exceptions, I am happy to find a dress that suits me. Of course, I can bear to lose weight. I have been eating very badly, no exercise, watching, my body is showing it. But at the same time, I found clothes that I felt good. The clothes that wear it suit me, making me feel good about entering them. Considering a dress that requires a slim fit is more attractive than considering a dress that doesn’t require a slim fit.

I hate some clothes that I refused because there is no body sculpting device. Is my hips not “smooth”? Yes. Did I see my photos in my daily life, my children shot from behind, and to my surprise, you can see cellulite through my skirt! ? absolute. Do I need to check my outfit from the back before leaving home? Obviously.

I am very happy that the body shaper exists. I am also very sorry that they exist. I think I will eventually wear them instead of more, but I always realize that even if I look “good”, I really need to feel good, I am the one who does not wear body sculpting. I sometimes need to look for photos and work in some way, etc., but I can’t wait until I don’t need to squeeze myself into the equivalent of a sausage shell to meet the fashion world, the standards established by the performance world, and judge women through their hasty dimples.

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